
Think Tanks Platform and its online portal presented in Azerbaijan

On October 21, the presentation of the Think Tanks Platform and its online portal (think-tanks.az) was held in Azerbaijan. The Think Tanks Platform is a network of think tanks in Azerbaijan specializing in political, economic, domestic, environmental, and other critical areas. The main purpose of establishing the platform is to encourage the activities of think…

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Armenia’s new “legal diplomacy”

After the Second Karabakh War concluded in 2020, diplomatic negotiations and the peace process in the South Caucasus resurfaced. Armenia’s “legal diplomacy” has emerged as a key component of its foreign policy strategy, aimed at reinforcing its position in the region and counterbalancing Azerbaijan’s new status. This new approach is grounded in the manipulation of legal documents…

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Hungarian students and researchers visit Topchubashov Center

A group of Hungarian students and researchers, who visited Azerbaijan for a five-day research trip, attended Topchubashov Center on 21 October. Led by Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), the group which included representatives from the Corvinus University of Budapest, the University of Győr, the Semmelweis University, and the University of Szeged, were welcomed by Rusif Huseynov…

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Head of the division at CAERC delivered a presentation within the framework of “Manas Forum 2024”

Vusala Jafarova, Head of the Turkish World Research Center at the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, delivered a presentation at the international conference “Manas Forum 2024” held in Istanbul, Turkiye. Her presentation was titled “Azerbaijan, Connecting the Continents: The Leading Role of Europe in Energy and Infrastructure.” In her speech, Jafarova highlighted Azerbaijan’s strategic…

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The Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace was always “within reach” but Armenia rejected it

“Today… peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan is not only possible but within reach,” said Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan optimistically on September 26 at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Armenian officials seek to persuade the international community that “Azerbaijan continues to resist signing a peace agreement… For this vision to become a reality, Azerbaijan…

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A meeting with the Turkish “cloud” technology company was held at CAERC

A meeting took place between the employees of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, the managers of the “Enterprise Azerbaijan” and “Azexport.az” portals, and the leadership team of the Turkish company “Bulutistan”. The primary objective of the meeting was to familiarize the parties with each other’s activities and to identify potential areas…

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Roundtable discussion – Prof. Gladden Pappin, the President of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs

IDD hosted Prof. Gladden Pappin, the President of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs, for the roundtable discussion. The roundtable discussed the future of energy security, the Middle Corridor, and the importance of cooperation through the Organization of Turkic States. The discussion moderated by Prof. Damjan Krnjevic Miskovic, Director for Policy Research, Analysis, and Publications…

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