
1. Center of Analysis of International Relations

The Center of Analysis of International Relations (AIR Center) is a public legal entity established by Decree No. 515 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 6, 2019. The Chairman of the Board of the Center of Analysis of International Relations is Dr. Farid Shafiyev. On 19 February 2019, he was appointed the Chairman of the AIR Center.

The center’s primary goals are to analyze significant international processes that affect both Azerbaijan and the rest of the world, to produce excellent research materials and reports on global issues, to expand Azerbaijan studies, examine processes in the South Caucasus region, and examine security-related issues. Additionally, the center aims to strengthen Azerbaijan’s standing in the international community and contributes to reports for political and academic organizations.The AIR Center (Center for Analysis of International Relations) aims to be a platform where local and foreign analytical centers can explore solutions to many international issues pertaining to Azerbaijan and the world.

The aim of the AIR Center is to create and distribute knowledge, exchange ideas and information, and forge alliances with foreign think tanks, universities, and international organizations. In addition to providing opportunities for doing research in Azerbaijan, the Center of Analysis of International Relations also accepts interns and provides scholarships. In addition to conducting research and creating analytical materials and notes, the AIR Center arranges round tables, seminars, and conferences.


2. Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication

The Center for  Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication was set up by Decree 879 dated April 20 2016 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication Supervisory Board is chaired by the prime minister of Azerbaijan. The CEO of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication is Mr. Vusal Gasimli. The Center for  Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication aims to ensure the nation’s sustainable economic development, communication objectives include conducting macro and microeconomic studies and analyses, preparing proposals for the implementation of economic reforms based on analytical data, medium-term projections. Long-term predictions and other economic data should be made available to institutions and public bodies. It entails planning events to publicize the Republic of Azerbaijan’s accomplishments throughout the areas.


3. Social Research Center

The Social Research Center  is a public entity that systematically analyzes the dynamics of public relations, identifies current trends in this area and predicts changes, studies the possible impact of these changes on society. It also provides public information and social research using modern information technology and scientific approaches and submits the results of its scientific-analytical analysis to state bodies. The Social Research Center is an independent organization in its activity and operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Public Legal Entities”, other laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The activities of the Center are to participate in the formation and implementation of policies related to social research, analysis and forecasting in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the study of public opinion, to analyze the dynamics and trends of relations between the state and society, to conduct opinion polls on the basis of a proactive approach through modern information technologies and innovative methods, to study, analyse and make public opinion, to conduct scientific research and cooperation with government agencies, to conduct social research on the possible effects of decisions and measures taken in order to improve the management process, increase the effectiveness of reforms and to hold public hearings and debates on various topics of public importance, to cooperate with civil society institutions in this field, to establish and manage broad discussion platforms.


4. Institute of Development and Diplomacy

Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD) was established by ADA University in 2022 to deepen engagement and outreach with expert, research, and policymaking communities, not only in Azerbaijan and other parts of the Silk Road region, but across the globe.

Modeled on the best practices of leading world-class research institution abroad, IDD will serve as the university’s hub of policy-oriented, interdisciplinary research and analysis outputs as well as be the focal point of high-level, policy-oriented conferences, briefings, and workshops.

IDD’s solutions-based approach covers foreign policy, diplomacy and international affairs, geopolitics, security, energy, sustainable development (i.e., a holistic approach to economics, social policy, and the environment, including climate change and other topics related to resilience), gender, and peace and reconciliation issues of importance to Azerbaijan and the multiple regions to which it belongs. In furtherance of its mission, IDD provides a safe space for free, open, and forthright dialogue and debate; publishes independent and policy-oriented research and analysis; hosts executive education programs; and organizes high-level events in Azerbaijan and abroad including conferences, workshops, and policy briefings. To that end, IDD cultivates professionals in government, the private sector, academia, and the expert community; provides mentoring opportunities for young talents; and participates in exchanges with institutional partners from the Silk Road region and around the world.


5. Baku International Center for Multiculturalism

The main goal of the Center is to ensure the preservation of tolerance, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity in accordance with the ideology of Azerbaijanism, as well as to represent Azerbaijan as the center of multiculturalism in the world, explore and promote existing multicultural models. The main goals of the Center are search for traces of ancient cultures in various regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in conjunction with relevant scientific organizations (arrangement of archaeological research in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments), collecting, scientific studying and protecting the cultural and ethnographic heritage, implementing projects aimed at the systematic elimination of certain shortcomings manifested in the field of education, culture, science and other social spheres, and hindering the harmonious development of the moral integrity of a personality, and analysis and dissemination of the world experts’ personal experience in the field of multiculturalism, as well as past and contemporary political and public figures, scientists, cultural figures and people of art.


6. South Caucasus Research Center

The Center for Studies of the South Caucasus (CSSC), founded in May 2022 under the chairmanship of Farhad Mammadov, is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the comprehensive analysis of geopolitical, economic, and sociopolitical dynamics in and around the South Caucasus. The center specializes in producing rigorous analytical briefs, in-depth reports, and targeted studies, while also contributing incisive short-form articles to both domestic and international publications.

Collaborating with leading foreign think tanks, CSSC conducts joint research projects and participates in international initiatives designed to enhance regional expertise and foster intellectual exchange. Its research agenda focuses on the domestic and foreign policies of South Caucasus countries, as well as the interests and strategies of regional power centers regarding the South Caucasus.


7. Center for International and Strategic Studies – Eldar Namazov

Mr. Eldar Namazov served as the chief of  The Secretariate of  The President of Azerbaijan Republic and asssistant of The President of Azerbaijan Republic from 1993 until his resignation in 1999. Starting from 2001, he has been serving as the President of the Public Forum “For the sake of Azerbaijan”, conducting political analysis for the foreign policy of Azerbaijan, research on national security issues, conflict resolution, and political and economic reforms in the country. He served as a deputy of Azerbaijan National Assembly. Before the Azerbaijani parliamentary elections, Namazov co-founded an opposition bloc called New Politics (Yeni Siyasət – YeS) in 2005. Mr. Namazov is also the founder of the Center for International and Strategic Studies.