The analytical report of STM-SRC entitled “The Armenian Factor in the Global Investigative Journalism and Human Rights Network’s Activities Against Azerbaijan” by prof. Tahira Allahyarova, published in English.
In the aforementioned report, based on facts, asserts that the roots of the biased attitude of international organizations towards Azerbaijan in the area of “human rights” are rooted in the Armenian factor that has penetrated here and all the main names of this network are identified, as well as the processes of its significant activation after the victory of Azerbaijan in the war, the liberation of Karabakh.
The report includes analysis of the processes that took place in the last decade in the global “investigative journalism and human rights” network, new methods, trends, goals and actors in their disruptive activity against Azerbaijan. The reasons why this network, which acts as a pressure tool of global powers in the current new geopolitical reality, identified the independent state of Azerbaijan as one of its main targets by using the latest technological possibilities of the information revolution.
After the defeat in Karabakh, the Armenians of the world, which allocated billions to the political corruption regime of Karabakh and Armenia, mobilized all their strength to infiltrate the global investigative human rights organizations, is reflected in the facts of the report. Their main goal is to “demonize” the image of the Azerbaijani state in the international world with hybrid information warfare and fake news, to try to discredit it in the information space, to manipulate public opinion by mobilizing traitors abroad and the 5th column inside the country, and the socio-political conditions of our victory. his use of new methods to destabilize us has been analyzed in detail.
İn chapters of the report named: “Investigative Journalism: Goals, Actors, Goals of its Creation And Transformation into A Global Network ; Fake news- as the epicenter of the information war; The essence of the new information war strategy; The global network spurred by the “WikiLeaks” project: from Julian Assange to Edward Snowden – how was the “research, leak and circulation” mechanism created? Chronicle of investigative journalist network; Features of investigative journalist network; How was the creation of a global network of special-ordered journalist teams – “investigators” – started in foreign countries? Why Azerbaijan is one of the main targets of the global network where billions are spent? Armenians in the leadership and membership of the consortium (icij) that leaked the “Pandora documents; Although the global investigative network creates the image of three separate organizations (OCCRP, ICIJ, GIJN), in fact it is concentrated in one organization – OCCRP. The number of Armenians here? “Devil’s advocates”. A new kind of hybrid war: human rights, freedom of expression, and more. Armenians in the organizations leading the “lawfare, judicial warfare” regarding Mega-Sponsor of “Researchers”: Pierre (Parviz Murad) Omidyar. Architect of the Global Activism and Cyber-Revolution Network; Armenian Leader of Nearly 10 International Organizations Fighting “Human Rights, Democracy and Corruption”-etc. the multifaceted biased activities of Armenians and the pro Armenian countries against Azerbaijan are proven and exposed based on facts.
It should be especially noted that this report was published long before the investigation conducted several months ago by four institutes from three countries into the funding of the global investigative network by Western states, as well as support from USAID, etc.