Rusif Huseynov and Murad Muradov visit the U.S. within Open World Program

On 25 September – 5 October, Topchubashov Center`s Director Rusif Huseynov and Deputy Director Murad Muradov travelled to the United States as participants of the Open World program sponsored by the Congressional Office for International Leadership.

They first visited the Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., where they met with the program administration and other officials.

In the second part of the program, in Sacramento, California, Rusif Huseynov and Murad Muradov, along with other participants, got to meet with the state officials, including Senator Anna Caballero, and learned about the activities of the California-based think tanks, such as the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), the Steinberg Institute, the Legislative Analyst Office, the Senate Office Research, the Institute for Social Research, and the California Research Bureau.

They also had a chance to communicate with the representatives of the California State University, Sacramento, and speak before the students of the Rio Americano High School and deliver a presentation on Azerbaijan and the regional developments in the South Caucasus.