The Socio-Economic Analysis Department performed its duties in 2024 in accordance with the national objectives detailed in the “Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development” document, along with the obligations stemming from the UN’s “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and the priorities established in the Charter of the Social Research Center (SRC).
As part of its mandate, the department conducted sociological surveys to examine public opinion, social trends, and the expectations of the population regarding the effectiveness of reforms implemented in the country, particularly in the fields of welfare and economics. The collected data was provided to relevant government bodies and policymakers as alternative analytical information.
In accordance with section 3.1.5 of the SRC Charter, which mandates conducting joint studies with government agencies to assess the effectiveness of reforms and predict their potential outcomes, the department produced the following documents: seven analytical reports (two of which were co-authored), three overview documents, 27 closed certificates, one comparative analytical report, six analytical documents and five policy proposal documents.
Additionally, department staff carried out tasks related to explaining specific areas of the country’s socio-economic policies, ensuring their accessibility to the public, and informing citizens about ongoing reforms. As part of these responsibilities, they delivered two presentations at four local and international conferences, participated in three joint discussions, 33 television programs, and a debate show. Furthermore, department staff participated in local and international training sessions, four webinars, and six public discussions.
In summary of the department’s activities for 2024, more than 132 analytical materials were produced, which can be categorized as follows:
7 publicistic articles, 3 research publications;
7 analytical reports (3 of which were published, the others are in the publication preparation stage), 3 overview documents;
27 open and closed certificate documents;
1 comparative analytical report;
1 expert opinion on research projects;
2 working meetings on joint memorandums (currently in the final stage), 1 joint agreement;
4 specialized analytical papers;
16 generalized policy proposal documents;
Participation in 4 local and international conferences (2 of which included presentations);
Participation in 33 television programs as an expert;
Participation in 1 debate show;
Participation in 1 international training session;
Participation in 4 webinars and 6 public discussions;
Organization of 2 internal SRC events, etc.
In the current year, the department also launched a test version of the survey platform ( as part of fulfilling the commitments outlined in section 2.2.3 of the SRC Charter. These commitments include the use of socially oriented innovative solutions, modern information and communication technologies, and multifaceted activities in online resources and social media to strengthen and develop the interaction between the state and society.